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Contact this Mask

If you want to reach me, the quickest and most immediate way is to find me on THP's outer communities — i.e., the Discord or Matrix. The easiest and most non-commital way is to leave a comment in the companion thread for this site on THP's /gensokyo/ board. In between that is e-mail, which I monitor with some frequency but not obsessively.

Please do not send me unsolicited PMs on any of the messaging platforms except for emergencies. For all other business, reach out to me in a public channel first. If there is spam or other unpleasant activity on THP, please read the FAQ on how to report posts and do that; I will be informed automatically and take care of it. Thank you for coöperation.

If you're reaching out about a possible link exchange, please be aware that I am trying to promote independent, smaller web presences and not direct people to big content siloes. I will not promote social networking accounts of any kind, no matter the quality. Also, I am primarily interested in helping promote Touhou-relevant sites, so anything else will probably not catch my interest. Sorry.

Discord: Artistic Mask!anAL.XVMTc
Matrix: FluffyMask!anAL.XVMTc
E-mail: (push the following two words together) fluffy mask [at] tekitou [dot] moe